The Kingdom of Science’s first invention after running across the Mountain of Medusas. Aesthetically, it looks stunning. But first, before I dive into this ship, I would like to do a brief take on the progression of sea transport in the series.
Initially, Senku had made a raft. Both him and Yuzuriha steered it, along with Taiju’s help (Though Taiju probably did that because they were in a rush to get to Hakone before Tsukasa).
It has to be noted, these were also some of the earliest water vessels known to man. The earliest record of a raft is 252 BC.
Ishigami village has experience with boats, which of course require people to row them. (Chapter 98)
These fishing boats are also in use today, though for commercial purposes they tend to be mostly made of materials other than wood.
The Kingdom of Science also made use of a row boat, though in this case it looks like they hollowed out a piece of wood to use for transport (Much like a canoe).
Soon after, a motorboat appeared, which ran on oil.
The same motorboat that they used to infiltrate Treasure Island. Which would obviously be faster than a raft. These are also widely used today, with the first record of a motorboat being in 1787.
Their most impressive sea vessel so far though, must be the Perseus. Modelled after present day sailing ships (The first of this being in action as early as 1700), it also took the most time to make out of all the water vessels so far (An entire year).
There was also Xeno’s yacht, which they used for a short amount of time. Powered by coal, it was obviously slower than both the motorboat and Perseus. The coal powered era of ships was also relatively short, lasting from 1871 to 1914. (Making it an amusing fit to the story)
Though, it has to be duly noted that Xeno also designed a submarine. This technically also counts as a means of naval transport.
The 1954 on the submarine that Xeno designated is probably a callback to the first nuclear submarine, which was launched on 21st January 1954. But aside from that, submarines were in use as far back as September 7th, 1776.
And in the latest chapter, they have constructed a fully functional stealth ship. A concept in futuristic science (As mentioned in the logbook entry). The first functional stealth ship was the Sea Shadow, initially proposed in 1978 but fully constructed in 1984. It was designed as a test for applying stealth technology to naval vessels.
A concept shared with the Kingdom of Science’s own, though in their case they are using the Medusas to achieve the stealth function.
As for the interior lay outs of these naval vessels, we had this for the Perseus:
Along with a bar and casino, it provides for the most luxurious life while out at sea. A runway was also added to the top of the ship later.
Xeno’s boat, in contrast, is a bit more laid back in its design. The obvious intention being providing comfort for one or two people, not an entire group of people. You can also spot tons of cushy seats everywhere.
As for the newly acquired ship, we do not have an idea of what the interior layout will look like (Yet). However, it is important to note that the initial Stealth ship was listed with 12 bunks, one small microwave oven, a refrigerator, and a table.
The one designed by Senku’s group will probably not have these features installed, though there should be a kitchen for Francois to be able to work her magic.
As exciting as these giant vessels are, some people would be fine with a casual row around on a raft.